Money and help making ends meet
Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you having trouble paying for important things in your life? Then we and other organizations can help you. You may be able to get extra money. For example, compensation for the costs of guardianship. This page tells you what you can apply for and where you can go for help.
Frequently requested
Many residents in Son and Breugel have already applied for what's below. See if this can help you too:
Special assistance: an amount of money for when you have unexpected extra expenses that you cannot pay.
Individual income supplement: a sum of money for if you have had a low income for 3 years or more and have not yet reached the state pension age.
Remission of municipal taxes and water taxes: remission means that you do not have to pay that tax.
Municipal Social Fund: a sum of money for an Internet subscription.
Here's what you might be able to apply for, too. Or what help you can get. Do you need help applying? The Social Counselors can help you. At the CMD you can find more information about the financial help you can get. There are leaflets available in the town hall and the CMD, in which you read all about the different schemes.
Extra money
Extra help
Contact details CMD
Visit the CMD between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Or call 0499 - 491 470.
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