Money and help making ends meet

Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you having trouble paying for important things in your life? Then we and other organizations can help you. You may be able to get extra money. For example, compensation for the costs of guardianship. This page tells you what you can apply for and where you can go for help.

Frequently requested

Many residents in Son and Breugel have already applied for what's below. See if this can help you too:

Special assistance: an amount of money for when you have unexpected extra expenses that you cannot pay.

Individual income supplement: a sum of money for if you have had a low income for 3 years or more and have not yet reached the state pension age.

Remission of municipal taxes and water taxes: remission means that you do not have to pay that tax.

Municipal Social Fund: a sum of money for an Internet subscription. 

Here's what you might be able to apply for, too. Or what help you can get. Do you need help applying? The Social Counselors can help you. At the CMD you can find more information about the financial help you can get. There are leaflets available in the town hall and the CMD, in which you read all about the different schemes.

Extra money

Extra money or help with a high energy bill

Free energy advice and energy box

If you want to save money on your energy costs, you can request a free consultation with the energy coach. The energy coach will work with you to see what opportunities there are for saving energy in your home. Afterwards, you will receive advice with useful tips. You will also receive a free Energy Box with energy-saving products, such as an LED lamp, radiator foil and a draft strip.

Extra money in case of temporary no income

If you temporarily have no or not enough income to live on, you may receive benefits.

Extra money for children

Leergeld Foundation

If you do not have enough income for membership in the sports club or any other club your child wants to attend, see if the Leergeld Foundation can provide a contribution.

Child budget

If you have children, you may be able to get Child Budget. This is a contribution to the costs of children up to the age of 18. You get it in addition to child benefit. The amount depends on your income, how many children you have and their ages. Is your capital too high? Then you will not get the Child Budget.

You apply for child budget at the Tax Office.

Childcare allowance

If your children attend childcare, you may be able to get childcare allowance. This is a contribution to the cost of childcare. You can apply for childcare allowance at the Tax Office.

(Tuition) money for music lessons

The municipality would like to give children a chance to learn to play a musical instrument. That is why the municipality subsidizes part of the cost of music lessons. Taking singing lessons is also covered. For this we offer a music education subsidy.

Swimming Education

The municipality finds it important that children can swim well. Upon obtaining swimming certificate B, parents/caregivers can apply for a reimbursement of €100.00 per child. We offer subsidy for swimming education.

Extra money or housing assistance

Rental allowance

Do you live in a rental property and have a low income? Then you may be entitled to rent allowance. This is a government contribution to your rent costs. You can apply for rent subsidy at the Tax Administration.

Housing Cost Supplement

Housing cost allowance is a contribution to housing costs. You can receive temporary housing allowance if your income has dropped suddenly and through no fault of your own. As a result, your housing costs have become too high in relation to your income. The maximum duration of the housing allowance is 12 months.

Extra money or help for meals

Food Bank

Have you paid all your fixed expenses? And are you then left with too little money to buy groceries? You may be able to get a free food package from the Voedselbank Best and surroundings. On the website of the Food Bank you can see if you qualify and how to apply.

Extra money or help with Health and care costs

  • Collective health insurance
    Do you have a low income and high health care costs? You can take out health insurance through the municipality. This health insurance has extensive coverage and you get a discount on your premium.
    You can take out health insurance through gezondverzekerd
  • Care allowance
    You may be able to get care allowance. This is a contribution towards the cost of your Dutch health insurance. Whether you get care allowance and the amount depends on your income. You can apply for care allowance at the Belastingdienst.
  • Chronic illness or disability
    Residents with a chronic illness or disability may in some cases receive an allowance of €300 per year. You can apply for this between November 1 and December 31, 2024. 
  • Help and support in your daily life
    Do you need help and support in your daily life? For example, help with housework, transportation, debt or addiction. Or are you looking for assistance with living? Then you may be entitled to help from the Social Support Act (Wmo).

Extra money when studying with a disability (study allowance)

Are you a student and unable to earn extra income alongside your studies due to a disability or chronic illness? Then you may be entitled to a study allowance.

Extra money for sports adults

The Adult Fund Sports

What is it?

The Adult Fund Sports ensures that adults living around the subsistence level can become members of a sports club. In this way, we make sport accessible to everyone.

  • The Adult Fund reimburses up to €300 per year.
  • Is there money left over after paying the membership fee? Then you can request attributes for the remaining amount (up to a maximum of €300). We do not pay out the remaining amount!
  • The Adult Sports Fund reimburses membership fees directly to the sports provider
  • An application is valid for one year. After 12 months, you can reapply.
  • We have a budget available for up to 45 applications.

What to do.

  • Go to Adult Fund website: Municipality of Son and Breugel - Adult Fund
  • Fill out and print the participant card on this site.
  • Make an appointment with intermediary Floortje Hilgerdenaar by phone: 06-89970585 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • Bring the completed and printed out (or online on your phone) participant card to the appointment with intermediary and find out together if you qualify. 

Learn more

For more info and game rules, visit Municipality of Son and Breugel - Adult Fund

Emergency Social Fund

We and other agencies have many financial assistance schemes. These are designed for low-income residents. Yet it happens that as a resident you fall outside these rules. Then a solution does not seem possible within the existing rules. A financial emergency may arise. To be able to do something in this situation we have the Social Emergency Fund. Based on your individual circumstances we will see if a one-time payment from the Emergency Fund is possible.

If you have a low income and are in financial need, contact the CMD. The CMD can be reached daily by telephone between 09.00-13.00 and 13.30-15.00 at telephone number 0499 - 491 470. 

You can also send an email at any time: We will answer it as soon as possible on the same or next business day.

Or just walk in to the CMD in the Dommel House. Drop-in is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Extra help

Job search assistance

We provide tips and information for job search. 

Free legal help

Legal counter

If you have a low income, you can visit the Juridisch Loket for free legal advice. For example, about dismissal, divorce and alimony.

Social counselor work

Do you have questions about laws and regulations, need help applying for regulations or filling out forms? Then you can turn to the Social Counsel work. Read more about this free help on the CMD website.

Help with paying your fixed expenses on time

If you worry about paying your bills every month, a budgeting course might be for you. Or help from a budget coach to gain insight into your money matters.

Help with money worries and debt

On"help with money worries and debt" you can read about where to go for help or advice.

Low-income advice

Would you like information about schemes from the municipality? Or help with making an application? Then please visit the CMD. You can walk into the CMD from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Or call 0499 - 491 470

We also have a leaflet available with information about all the schemes. You can pick this up for free at the CMD and City Hall.

Contact details CMD

Visit the CMD between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Or call 0499 - 491 470.

Address information:

Kerkplein 5, 5691 BB Son