Help for the elderly, sick, people with disabilities (Wmo)

What is it?

If you can no longer do everything yourself due to an illness or disability or old age, the municipality can help you.

The starting point is your own responsibility. You are not automatically entitled to a facility. The municipality first examines with you whether you can arrange the necessary assistance yourself, e.g. through the help of family members, neighbors or acquaintances. If this is not possible or not sufficient, we will examine with you whether you qualify for an individual provision.

You can think of the following facilities:

  • Domestic help
  • A transportation facility
  • A residential facility
  • A wheelchair or mobility scooter

What to do.

If you want to know if you qualify, contact the CMD, tel. (0499) 491 470. We will make an appointment for a personal interview with one of our employees. During this meeting, the municipality will discuss with you what you can still do yourself and what your immediate environment can contribute. If it appears that the help from your own environment is insufficient, we will examine whether you qualify for an individual provision.