Filing a complaint

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Filing a complaint

What is it?

If you are dissatisfied with the way you have been treated by an official or administrator, you can file a complaint with the municipality. You can file a complaint about:

  • personal treatment by employees or directors
  • getting too little, incorrect or misleading information
  • failure to respond to your inquiries

You cannot complain about:

  • something that happened more than 1 year ago;
  • municipal policy;
  • something you have complained about before;
  • something you could have objected to or appealed against
  • conduct or acts already under investigation by the Justice Department.

If you feel you have not been treated properly by an official or administrator, you can file a complaint with the municipality. You can file a complaint about:

  • personal treatment by employees or directors
  • getting too little, incorrect or misleading information
  • failure to respond to your inquiries


Don't want to make an official complaint but want to give feedback on a process that you feel could be better? Or do you have tips for us? Read all about it on the"Give your opinion or share a compliment" page. 

What to do.

If you do want to file an official complaint, you can do so online.

You can also submit your complaint in writing by letter. You do this by sending your letter to postbus 8, 5690 AA Son en Breugel. In your letter you should at least mention:

  • Your name, address and phone number;
  • the date you write the letter;
  • A description in your own words of the conduct of the official or administrative body you are complaining about;
  • your signature;

After submitting your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within one week. This will state who your contact person is for the handling of your complaint. You can contact this contact for additional comments and questions about your complaint.

The contact person checks whether your letter should actually be treated as a complaint or whether another procedure can or should (or should have) been followed.

Informal treatment

If your complaint meets the legal requirements, you will be contacted by a member of the Steering and Coaching team. This staff member will then meet with you to see if your complaint can be resolved.

Formal treatment

If your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved in the informal process, your complaint will be referred to the complaint handler according to our grievance procedure. You and the defendant(s) will then be invited to a hearing.

The complaint handler then issues an opinion. This advice is submitted to the administrative body that makes the final decision on the complaint. This decision will be sent to you, along with a copy of the complaint handler's advice and the record of the hearing.

National Ombudsman

If you disagree with the handling of your complaint, you can file a complaint with the National Ombudsman.

What does it cost?

There is no charge for filing and processing a complaint.