Job search
Help and advice on finding work
The House to Work in Eindhoven is there for anyone who needs help finding work or education. Also as a resident of our municipality you will be helped at the House to Work. You will find the Huis naar Werk at Stadhuisplein 10 in Eindhoven.
Arrangements for residents with employment disabilities
When you have an employment disability, finding a job can be more difficult. The municipality supports you in finding valuable and appropriate work.
Job match/ Working with wage subsidy
Do you have an employment limitation and are unable to earn the minimum wage as a result? You may qualify for inclusion in the target group register of the UWV. With a jobs agreement indication, it becomes possible to work with a wage subsidy and guidance. This increases your chances of sustainable employment.
Sheltered Employment
Is working in an ordinary company not possible because you need a lot of guidance due to a disability? Then the Sheltered Employment arrangement may apply to you. You can apply to the UWV for an advisory indication. If necessary, the municipality can assist you with the application.
Would you like to know more about support towards work or would you like to make use of the schemes? If so, contact a member of the municipality's Work & Income staff.
Job search
On you can search for jobs. Place your resume online in your "Work Folder" and receive even more job offers.
Do you want to work and learn in MBO? You can find opportunities near you through the apprenticeship market.
Volunteer search
Looking for volunteer work? The job bank of the LEV group will gladly show you the way. On the website of the LEVgroep you can find more information about volunteering and the job bank.
Learning Dutch to be more likely to get a job
You are more likely to find work if you speak Dutch. Can't do that well enough yet? Then learn the Dutch language. If you are not obliged to integrate, you may be able to get help from the Taalhuis. Stop by at the Language House consultation hour. You can find the Taalhuis in the Dommelhuis. The address is Kerkplein 5 in Son. The consultation hour is every Wednesday morning from 10.30 to 12.00. Or contact us by phone or email. For more information visit the library website. (