Construction of driveway or entryway

What is it?

An exit or driveway is a connection from a parcel to the public road. It is allowed to make one exit to the road per parcel, or change an existing exit to the road, provided by its realization:

  1. no danger or nuisance is created or is likely to be created for on-site road traffic;
  2. the use of an existing public parking space is not made impossible or in danger of being made impossible;
  3. green space in the municipality is not harmed or in danger of being harmed.

Prior to the realization of the above work, a notification must be made to the college. This notification will not be accepted if the construction of the egress will create a dangerous traffic situation, unless this danger is prevented by imposing regulations.

Within six weeks of receiving the notification, the submitter will be notified of the notification. You can read the exact regulations under the local rules in the General Municipal Regulations on

Private law relationships

In addition to the public law authority that the municipality has under the provisions of the APV, the municipality also owns the public road in a private sense. From this ownership right, the municipality must permit the construction of an exit driveway. 

What to do.

The notification for construction of a driveway is done online. Take a photo of the current situation and attach itHealth make sure you have it on hand digitally while opening the online notification form). 

The reporter should make an appointment with a Team PUBB employee (phone number 0499-491491) 24 hours before construction begins to designate the exact location of the exit ramp on site. 

The notification of a driveway cannot be done through or included in an application for an environmental permit.

For any relocation of street furniture (light poles, cai distribution boxes, etc.), please contact the manager of this furniture:

  • For light poles, trees and green spaces: the Municipality of Son and Breugel telephone (0499) 491 491;
  • For CAI boxes: UPC phone (0492) 843268;
  • For electrical boxes: Essent phone (040) 2635285.

What does it cost?

There is usually no cost associated with the notification. 

If the municipality will construct or modify the driveway, the cost must be paid by the applicant prior to the work.