Energy cost compensation grant

Directly regulate

(Sports) Associations, community centers, cultural institutions and social organizations that may run into problems due to high energy prices can apply for a one-time energy compensation from the municipality of Son and Breugel starting July 13, 2023.

To apply for an additional subsidy for your increased energy rates for the period from Oct. 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023, use the button below until Oct. 1, 2023.

Apply for temporary energy rate compensation


Energy tariffs have risen sharply since last year. For quite a number of social organizations in Son and Breugel it is impossible to absorb this increase in energy tariffs themselves. Rising energy costs can put pressure on the accessibility of activities. We want our associations and social institutions to be able to continue working for the health of our residents and the livability of our village. They are invaluable to society and should remain accessible to all.

That's why we offer help. If you are a director of a community organization and your organization is struggling with ever-increasing energy costs, take advantage of our additional subsidy.

What does this grant entail?

Through this grant, the municipality of Son and Breugel supports civil society organizations for increased energy tariffs in the period October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Your organization will receive 75% of the price increase of energy in this period compared to January 1, 2022 with a maximum of € 5,000.00.

Who do we mean by civil society organizations?

Social organizations include non-profit organizations office-based and active within the municipality of Son and Breugel that work to promote social interests by organizing social and/or cultural activities or represent social interests.

What Requirements must you meet?

To qualify for additional funding, your organization must meet at least the following Requirements:

- Your organization meets description "social organization" as given above.

- Your organization has an energy contract and pays to the energy supplier.

- Your organization has not otherwise been compensated for increased energy rates.

- Your organization, with a high general reserve/saved assets, can justify why these assets cannot be used to meet increased energy costs.

- You must submit your complete application by Oct. 1, 2023.

You can find the complete regulation, as adopted by the municipality of Son en Breugel, on this page

Application Form

Would you like to prepare yourself in advance for submitting an application? Below you can read what information you need to submit an application. 

- Extract from the Chamber of Commerce (maximum 1 year old);

- A copy of the advance bill from the energy supplier, showing the rate increase with the advance proposed by the energy supplier;

- Or a copy of the new energy contract from the energy supplier showing the rate increase and proposed advance payment during the period October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023;

- A copy of your advance bill or energy contract showing your current energy rate on Jan. 1, 2022;

- The consumption is based on a realized consumption of a continuous year in the period between January 1, 2019 and October 1, 2022. We would like to receive statements from your energy supplier of realized consumption for the past 3 years. (A consumption year does not have to start on January 1, but can start any date as long as it is a continuous year located in the above period). We realize that the corona years 2020 and 2021 are not representative of your consumption. For realized consumption, we look at the most favorable consumption for you.

- An overview of measures you have taken to make your accommodation more sustainable. If you have not yet taken measures to make your accommodation more sustainable, then you are willing to cooperate in taking these measures by performing a sustainability scan.

- A recent balance sheet or statement of assets and liabilities showing the equity position of your organization.



The Ministry of Health, Sports and Welfare has created the scheme Specific Payment Emergency Fund Energy Amateur Sports Associations (SPUK NEAS). This scheme is intended to partially compensate amateur sports clubs for increased energy costs on a one-time basis.

Are you an amateur sports club that has run into continuity problems in 2022 and/or 2023 due to increased energy prices, and your club has not been able to take advantage of the TEK (gemoetkoming Energiekosten) scheme? If so, please contact us in good time and we will work with you to see if you qualify for the SPUK NEAS.

We need a document from your association showing energy costs for the 2019 calendar year. The application for the specific scheme can be requested by the municipality until September 15, 2023.

Amateur sports associations that qualify for the SPUK NEAS cannot apply for the Son en Breugel 2023 energy cost compensation subsidy scheme for civil society organizations.

You will find more information about the SPUK NEAS on this page.

Questions about this additional grant?

Do you have questions about this additional subsidy, or could you use help submitting your application? Please contact the subsidy officer of the municipality of Son en Breugel at