Discharge of wastewater Rendac onto Sonseheideloop
Since 2012, Rendac has been discharging its treated wastewater back into the Son Heideloop. The result is insufficient water quality of the watercourse; unsuitable for agriculture and bad for forest nature. And on top of that, the discharge promotes the formation of H2S which often makes the ditch stink. Moving the discharge to the Wilhelminakanaal is not an option, according to Rijkswaterstaat. Currently, an administrative consultation with representatives of the parties involved is working hard to find a solution for Rendac's discharge.
Because there is H2S formation in several places in the Son Heideloop, the waterway has been nicknamed the 'Stinksloot'. RIVM research shows that H2S formation is a natural process. However, this process is enhanced by the fact that the discharged wastewater is relatively warm and sulfate-rich. To reduce the problems with H2S, the water board dredged the ditch in 2018 and the formation of H2S is measured periodically. Because of the poor water quality, the wastewater discharge has a negative impact on the ecology of the Oud Meer forest and nature reserve. The local IVN, Forest Group and scouting association are concerned about the local nature and health impacts during recreation around the Son Heath Run.
Health risks
Because of the water quality problems, the GGD conducted research on the health risks of the Son Heideloop and the possible risks of H2S formation.
Swamp Gas
The swamp gasH2Sis present in the water bottom of the Sonseheideloop. The De Dommel Water Board sampled the water bottom annually in the period 2017 - 2020 to monitorH2Sformation. In theory,H2Scan be released from the water bottom if it is stirred. TheH2Scan enter the air above it via the water. It cannot be predicted from the measurement results whetherH2Scan enter the air above the water in measurable concentrations when stirring in the water bottom. Therefore, the advice is to leave the ditch alone. Don't stir it with a stick, don't let your dog jump in, and don't go in yourself. Being active along the ditch does not provide relevant exposure toH2S.
Rotten egg smell
H2Scan be smelled even at very low concentrations. This substance smells so bad that you can get a headache or nausea even at low concentrations. These complaints are caused by the smell, not by the substance itself. If you move away from the ditch, these complaints will go away by themselves.
Natural water and health
All kinds of biological and chemical substances can occur in natural water. If you play in or on the water, you may come into contact with those substances and experience health problems. For example, itching, skin rashes, nausea or gastrointestinal problems.
The water in the Sonneheideloop is not intended for swimming and is not monitored for safety and water quality. Therefore the GGD advises not to go in or on the water, entering is always at your own risk.
If someone does accidentally fall into the water, there is no reason to panic. The chance of complaints is small.
Visit www.zwemwater.nl for more information on natural water and health.
Questions about water quality?
Do you smell or see something strange, is something bothering you in or around water? Please make a report via https://www.dommel.nl/melding-over-water/
Waterboard de Dommel is the competent authority for the Sonne Heideloop
Rendac is a company that collects cadavers and animal residues for processing and destruction. It is located at the Ekkersrijt industrial park in Son. The company discharges its treated wastewater into the Son Heideloop, which in turn is connected to the Dommel River. The company applies the most advanced techniques in treating its wastewater; the so-called best existing techniques. The discharge of the water also meets the licensing requirements of the water board. Recently, Rendac has taken measures to lower the temperature of the discharged water. However, the water quality of the water is still such that it cannot be used for agriculture. Therefore, water must be supplied from the Wilhelmina Canal. In the past, as a precautionary measure, the watercourse along Bee Avenue in the Gentiaan neighborhood of Son was also dammed.