Sonnius neighborhood in development

What does the plan entail?

What does the future of Sonniuswijk look like? How do we want to live, work and recreate together? How do we deal with challenges in areas such as water, nature and energy? That is what the area vision for Sonniuswijk is about. That area vision is not yet finished. A draft vision was presented in early 2024 to the council and during a meeting for residents. Afterwards, coordination took place with the province, water board and neighboring municipalities. The planned adoption for the vision is February 2025.

This page

On this page we post information and documents related to the development of the area vision. This way we keep you informed and show what is already happening.

Those involved in the Sonnius neighborhood area will receive the Sonnius neighborhood update (digitally or by mail), on this page you can also view previous updates.

Want to know more?

For all your questions or comments regarding the development of Sonnius neighborhood, please feel free to contact us at:
On this page under 'documents' you will find updates. Would you like to receive them digitally? Then send an email to 

At what stage?

Currently, the plan is in the Plan Preparation Phase.

What phases does a plan go through?

  • Plan preparation (preliminary work to arrive at a plan)
  • Plan procedure
  • In progress

Team Sonniuswijk

Team Sonniuswijk

This is the core team working on the area vision. This team works together with people within the municipality of Son en Breugel, colleagues from the water board and the province and other experts, and of course with residents, entrepreneurs and owners in Sonniuswijk.

Cees van Nuland, case manager and urban planner, municipality of Son and Breugel
Iris Maas, case manager and urban planner, municipality of Son and Breugel
Claudia Rieswijk, area director Sonniuswijk, BEECKK Ruimtemakers
Jesper Borsje, landscape architect, Verhoeven | de Ruijter
Angelique van Kleef, project supporter, municipality of Son and Breugel


Over the past year, the congregation has taken a number of steps. We are building on these to complete the vision.

Environmental Vision

It sets ambitions and identifies tasks for the entire municipality, including Sonniuswijk. More about the environmental vision.

Exploratory research

An exploratory study brings together all kinds of information: about the land, the water, and about people and businesses. This gives insight into what is involved and what is possible.

The research was done by the firm Verhoeven | de Ruijter.

Individual interviews

Individual interviews with residents and business owners (ongoing)

Permit stop

A temporary halt has been placed on issuance of permits to expand the number of animals within intensive livestock production in the area. 


  • Area vision is discussed with college of B&W (December 2024): The team discusses the draft area vision with Mayor and Aldermen. 
  • Jan. 23, 2025 image-forming discussion with City Council
  • Adoption of area vision February 2025

Plan and team

An approach has been devised for the time ahead and the team has been assembled (including an external area director). Check out the team on this page.


Environmental Vision

Council presentation: Design Research Sonnius neighborhood under development