Plan Zonhove
What does the plan entail?
On the Zonhove site of SWZ Health live children and adults with severe multiple disabilities, a unique place in the municipality of Son and Breugel. Three new forest homes are currently being built, to which 96 of the current residents will move. A plan is then being developed to realize the remaining client homes and to look at the possibilities for the other buildings, such as day care/work for clients, treatment center and offices.
Who is building?
Several contractors and companies are involved in the preparation, demolition and construction work. It is a project of SWZ and the project development is in the hands of Van Aarle De Laat.
Want to know more?
- More information on the website New Construction Zonhove.
- Please use the contact form on this website or email to submit questions or suggestions.
- The contact person at the municipality is Martijn van Dijck.
At what stage?
What phases does a plan go through?
- Plan preparation (preliminary work to arrive at a plan)
- Plan procedure
- In progress
Participation opportunities
SWZ has organized several meetings for local residents. Some local residents remain involved in the redevelopment through the sounding board group.
Environmental permits requested by SWZ are published via the municipal news in the Mooisonenbreugelkrant (abbreviated) and via (also accessible via announcements).
The construction work for Boswoningen 1 and 2 has started.
A global schedule is available via New ConstructionZonhove/Building Planning.