Reception of refugees Ukraine

Because of the war in Ukraine, many people have fled. They are looking for a safe haven in other countries. Also in the Netherlands, including Son en Breugel. On this page you will find all kinds of information about the reception of and assistance to refugees from Ukraine.

Reception in our region

The 21 municipalities in the Southeast Brabant region are committed to creating more than 3,000 reception places. Our municipality has already made a property on Torenstraat and the former Vijverberg suitable.

Questions and information

Mirjam de Groot of the LEVgroep takes care of the daily management of the shelter. Do you have questions, concerns or want to volunteer? If so, please contact her at     

I want to help

  • I want to donate money | Giro 555
  • I want to sign up as a host family to host Ukrainian refugees | Takecarebnb
  • If you want to support Ukrainians and other refugees in the Netherlands, you can also visit the platform of VluchtelingenWerk:
  • Would you like to donate items to the residents of De Vijverberg? Please contact Mirjam de Groot first. We ask you not to place items unannounced in front of the entrance to De Vijverberg.

Information for refugees from Ukraine

Registering with the municipality

Refugees with proof of identity and a place of residence in Son en Breugel can register with the municipality of Son en Breugel. To do so, they can make a Make an appointment appointment at the counter or by calling 0499 - 491 491.

Registering without residence and/or proof of identity

Refugees with identity documents and no place of residence, can go to the Municipal Reception of Ukrainians in Eindhoven. From there, they will be housed at one of the available locations in the region. The shelter is located at Kronehoefstraat 85-87 in Eindhoven.

Refugees without ID can visit the Ukrainian Embassy in The Hague.

More information and help

  • RefugeeHelp is the online starting point for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands and anyone who wants to get involved on their behalf.
  • The Red Cross has an information line for refugees via WhatsApp. Here, people can ask questions in Ukrainian, Russian and English: +31 6 48 15 80 53.
  • Helping shelter pets who came with the refugees:

Financial aid for refugees from Ukraine

There is a national scheme for financial support to refugees. Under it, we provide living allowance to Ukrainian refugees.


Ukrainian refugees who register with the municipality in the BRP (Basic Registration of Persons) can apply for living allowance immediately afterwards. 

Living Money

  • Refugees receive €260 per month per person. This applies to both adults and minor children who have traveled with an adult.
    This amount is the same as the arrangement that applies to COA asylum seekers and status holders.
  • For refugees from Ukraine taken in by private individuals, there is a housing component .
    ann when Ukrainian refugees work, the living allowance is no longer paid.


I want more information

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find general information about the situation in Ukraine?

General information about the situation in Ukraine and information such as cabinet positions, parliamentary papers and frequently asked questions are on the central website of the Rijksoverheid.

What number can I call for help?

People who have fled to the Netherlands from Ukraine can contact the Red Cross through a WhatsApp helpline. There they are helped in both English and Ukrainian. The number of the Red Cross WhatsApp helpline is 06-48158053.

I am a resident and I have questions, where can I go?

The Red Cross information number for asking and offering help is 070-4455888.
This is the Red Cross' Dutch-language information line for residents who, for example, have questions about how to offer temporary housing or want to report initiatives to help refugees. But also, for example, how they can further help a Ukrainian refugee in their home register in the Netherlands.

I want to help, what can I do?

You can donate money, collect items, offer shelter to a refugee or volunteer to help at shelters, for example. Go to Refugee Council Netherlands. There are often also many initiatives in the municipality where you live that are spread through social media. 

Would you like to donate items to the residents of De Vijverberg? Please contact Mirjam de Groot first. We ask you not to place items unannounced in front of the entrance to De Vijverberg.

How can I donate money for relief supplies and medical aid?

Money can be donated through the Red Cross Netherlands or through Giro555.

Is it safe to travel to Ukraine?

If you want to support refugees it is best to do so from the Netherlands. The central website of the central Rijksoverheid tells you what you can best do.

In what locations are refugees being received?

The shelters consist of three categories: Crisis emergency shelter, flow-through sites (for up to a few weeks) and longer-term. Regarding the latter category, it involves housing at a location where refugees can stay for a minimum of 6 months

If possible, refugees are taken directly to a shelter in the region where they can stay for an extended period of time.

Where is the Regional Registration Point (RRP) located in VRBZO?

That is located at Microlab in Eindhoven.

Is there an allocation key across all municipalities?

In our region there is no allocation key. We will consult with municipalities to see what locations are available and for how many refugees they can be made ready.

How long will refugees be hosted?

Given the uncertain situation, this is not yet clear and depends on developments in Ukraine. The reception sites will be available for a minimum of 6 months.

I want to shelter refugees from Ukraine. How do I go about that?

Then you can contact Refugee Council Netherlands and Take care BnB.
They provide more practical information and offer the opportunity to sign up.

I am currently hosting refugees from Ukraine. Where can they go for the longer term?

Very nice that you are providing emergency shelter for refugees from Ukraine. They can report to the municipality where they currently reside. Then they are then registered in the basic registration of the relevant municipality. This can be done by appointment at the town hall. Should these refugees no longer be able to stay with the host family, they must report to the Regional Registration Point (Microlab Eindhoven). There they will see where there is room at a location, preferably for the long term. If that is not possible, a transfer location will be sought. In extreme cases, the refugee must stay in the crisis emergency shelter for 24 to 48 hours.

What should I pay attention to when hosting refugees?

Check the Takecarebnb website for some points of interest.

What are the requirements for a host family for Ukrainian children traveling alone?

In the VRBZO region, children traveling alone without authority (i.e. without either parent) from Ukraine are received in the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo. There the first reception is provided . Eventually they end up in a host family. It is important that the host family is a safe place for these children. That is why the Dutch Child Care and Protection Board (RvdK) checks whether this is indeed the case.

Are refugees insured for medical expenses?

Medical expenses are reimbursed. This is done on the basis of the Subsidy Scheme on Medically Necessary Health for the Uninsured. Ukrainian refugees who have applied for asylum are insured through the Medical Health Asylum Seekers Scheme.

Read more information about Health and healthcare costs for Ukrainians in the Netherlands

See also - Health to Ukrainian refugees 

How is school care arranged? Can the children attend school if they are cared for here?

Compulsory education applies to all minor children. The goal is that affected children receive schooling within three months of reception. This applies to primary and secondary education. This is done through the municipality where the reception for Ukrainians is located. An appropriate offer is being made for students who studied in Ukraine at MBO or HBO level.

I am looking for family/friends who have also fled but I cannot get in touch with them. Is there a list of names of people being sheltered in this region?

Refugees can email (restoring family links) or the Red Cross website. The Red Cross is the emergency relief organization in the Netherlands and worldwide. On the website, people can fill out the contact form. This is arranged nationwide.

What are the rules for pets from Ukraine?

Residents of Ukraine (and EU expats) who were rushed to leave their homes because of the war in their country are welcome in the Netherlands. This includes their pets, which are very important to their owners especially in this difficult time. The NVWA is therefore doing everything possible to ensure that owners and animals do not have to be separated.

Temporary relaxation

Due to the situation, the rules for travel of refugees with pets from Ukraine and Russia have been temporarily relaxed. This relaxation applies only to pets that have fled with their original owners and are traveling to Europe from Ukraine and Russia. For other individuals and organizations bringing a dog or cat from Ukraine and Russia, the regular quarantine rules apply .


But we must not lose sight of public health. Rabies, a deadly disease for animals and humans, occurs in Ukraine. We want to minimize the risk of rabies in the Netherlands, so refugees should take their pets to a veterinarian to have them vaccinated against rabies. It is important to have as little contact as possible with other animals and people to avoid the risk of infection (home quarantine). In some exceptional cases, animals must be temporarily placed in official quarantine as a precaution. This is how we try to prevent refugees from Ukraine and Russia from unintentionally bringing rabies to the Netherlands with their pets.

Read more information about traveling with pets, information for refugees with pets, information for veterinarians, information from the NVWA and information for foundations and individuals taking in animals.
