Public decision list city council meeting Nov. 7, 2024

Second administrative report 2024 

The council adopts the second administrative report 2024.
The administrative report is an interim financial account from the college to the council, explaining deviations (advantages and disadvantages) and the reallocation of resources.

Multi-year budget 2025-2028

The council adopts the 2025-2028 multi-year budget and the first 2025 budget amendment.

The 2025-2028 multi-year budget builds on the 2025-2028 Framework Memorandum. In addition, autonomous developments have been calculated and the college proposes budget adjustments. Changes in laws and regulations sometimes necessitate additional financial resources.

The council passed 4 motions during the budget session:

Motion Regional consultation on youth care procurement.

The council asks the college:

  • consult with other municipalities within the MRE on procurement of alternative deployment methods for youth care;
  • jointly with other municipalities within the MRE to clearly signal to the State that municipalities want more autonomy over the Health they want to offer;
  • Inform the City Council of the results of these consultations by Q2 2025;
  • share this motion with all municipalities within the MRE.

Motion Swimming Pool Son BV

The council calls on the entrepreneur of Swimming Pool Son BV:

  • To come up with a business plan for sustainable preservation of the swimming pool in Son and Breugel for at least 10 years;
  • involve a recognized consulting firm with experience in analyses of swimming pool operations in the preparation of this business plan;
  • In preparing this business plan, consider the following schools of thought:
    1. Optimizing programming for all audiences (i.e., including youth and young adults) and broadening accessibility for associations;
    2. Establish a partnership with associations, organizations and businesses that will benefit the future sustainability of the pool in a sustainable way;
    3. Investigate available funds and/or other funding opportunities that will enhance the future sustainability of the pool;
    4. Include opportunities for sustainable energy supply;
  • describe in the business plan what short- and long-term expectations Zwembad Son BV has towards the municipality, for the benefit of swimming in Son and Breugel.
  • strive to submit this business plan by June 1, 2025, and if this is not feasible then provide an outline draft plan by that date. 

The council asks the college:

  • To forward the City Council's appeal to Son Swimming Pool BV;
  • When the business plan is being prepared by the entrepreneur, answer any questions the entrepreneur may have, without becoming as a municipality in the role of general advisor in the creation of the business plan;
  • To actively monitor the progress of the creation of the business plan and inform the council at least once every 2 months on the status of the business plan;
  • As soon as possible after receiving the (draft) business plan for a sustainable preservation of the swimming pool in Son en Breugel, to submit this plan with an assessment and an opinion to the city council for discussion.

Motion Cabinet come over the bridge or get the tasks back 

The council decides to pronounce:

  • support the aldermen in their call for fair funding as expressed in the Eindhovens Dagblad article of Oct. 31, 2024;
  • Underline the importance of structural and adequate funding from the State for municipalities so that municipalities can continue to perform their duties properly;
  • support the action readiness of our aldermen, in cooperation with other municipalities, to strengthen the voice of local governments with the cabinet.

The council asks the college:

  • make the expressed support known to the aldermen who placed the call;
  • also make the support known to the Cabinet, the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) and the Aldermen's Association;
  • introduce a translation of this motion to the November 29, 2024 UNG general membership meeting, or agree to motions along similar lines;
  • Remain actively involved in initiatives that contribute to structurally improved municipal funding and keep the council informed about them;
  • in consultation with the Municipal Clerk’s Office to bring this motion to the attention of all municipalities in the Netherlands.

Motion Response to Questions

The council asks the college:

  • ensure that a questioner, regardless of the channel, receives an answer within 72 hours or, if an answer is not possible within that time, provide an indication of when the answer can be expected or when a new update will follow;
  • for this ambition in cooperation with Dienst Dommelvallei to use automated processes as much as possible.

Tax Ordinances 2024

The council adopts the following tax ordinances:

  • Ordinance Waste Levy 2025;
  • Dues Ordinance 2025 with accompanying fee table; 
  • Market Fee Ordinance 2025; 
  • Precarirage Dues Ordinance 2025;
  • Ordinance Cleaning Fees 2025; 
  • Ordinance Sewerage Levy 2025.

Learn more

All documents belonging to this meeting are in the meeting calendar. You can download the documents at the relevant council meeting date. You can also contact council registrar Ms. Moniek Weerts , telephone 0499-491491.
The summary report of the meeting can be found as an agenda item at the council meeting on Thursday, December 12, 2024. Meanwhile, the integral audio report of the meetings can be found in the meeting calendar.