Public decision list city council meeting Jan. 31, 2025

Appointment of citizen member of D66 group 

The council appoints Mr. Bas Henrichs as a citizen member on behalf of the D66 Group.

Ordinance Measures Participation Act, IOAW, IOAZ and Wi2021 Son en Breugel 

City Council decides: 

  • Repeal the Son and Breugel 2022 Integration Ordinance effective January 1, 2025. 
  • To adopt the Regulation Measures Participation Act, IOAW, IOAZ and Wi2021 Municipality of Son en Breugel 2025.

The purpose of the amendments is to adapt the Participation Act's measures policy to the new legislation and case law and, at the same time, to adapt this regulation where necessary to the "Participation Act in Balance" bill.

Audit 2024 

The council decides:

  • Adopt the 2024 Audit Protocol including 2024 Framework of Standards; 
  • consider the reporting of over- and under-reporting of income and under-reporting of expenses and investments in the financial statements to be timely; 
  • Crowe Foederer BV not to attach any (financial) consequences to the college's failure to comply with the applicable proprietary procurement guidelines and to inform the auditor that he does not have to take this into account when forming his opinion. 

The board has commissioned Crowe Foederer BV to conduct the audit for fiscal year 2024. In preparation and support of this audit, the council needs to arrange some matters.

Zoning plan "Buitengebied; Driehoek ong. 6 rvr"

The council decides: 

  • Adopt and adopt the responses to the views, as described and considered in the "Views memo zoning plan Buitengebied; Driehoek ong. 6 rvr"; 
  • adopt the zoning plan "Buitengebied; Driehoek ong. 6 rvr" with plan identification "NL.IMRO.0848.BP833BUITENGEBIED-VA01" as amended and make it available digitally; 
  • Pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Spatial Planning Act, not to adopt an exploitation plan for zoning plan "Buitengebied; Driehoek ong. 6 rvr".

This zoning plan establishes a legal basis for realizing desired housing. 

Ordinance on Provisions for Housing Education Municipality of Son and Breugel 2025 

The council decides to adopt the Regulation for Facilities Housing Education Municipality of Son and Breugel 2025 and the multi-year investment estimate Annex VI Regulation 2025.

The old regulation (from 2015) needs to be updated and adjusted so that it better reflects practice.

Regulation Starters Loan Municipality of Son and Breugel 2025 

The council decides to adopt the "Regulation Starters Loan Municipality of Son en Breugel 2025" and to agree to the following amendments to the regulation:  

  • Adjusting the maximum purchase price of a home to qualify for the starter loan to 90% of the NHG limit; 
  • Expanding the return requirement to a maximum of five years after completion of studies or departure from Son and Breugel. 

Due to current tightness in the housing market and rising housing prices, first-time buyers are struggling in the housing market. The old regulation (from 2013) has financial and application conditions that no longer adequately meet the goal of helping first-time buyers enter the housing market. 

Amendment of zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" 

The council decides:

  • to adopt the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" as amended by adding the italics to article 6.4.2. paragraph c:
    c. The use and use (or allowing the use) of the dwellings referred to in article 6.1 for the purpose of housing is only allowed if a hedge has been planted at the location of the function indication "specific form of greenery - hedge" before the first dwelling is put into use and is maintained and maintained as such in a sustainable manner.
    The following Requirements have to be met for maintenance and upkeep:
  1. - trees/shrubs should be located along the entire length of said function designation; 
  2. - the hedge should consist of non deciduous species such as hornbeam, laurel, privet or holly; 
  3. - the hedge should be at least 3 meters wide; 
  4. - the hedge should provide at least 90% leaf density to a height of 3 meters; 
  5. - the hedge should provide horizontal and vertical contiguity (with the exception of the underside due to natural dying off in competition with grasses and weeds; 
  • To adopt the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" with plan identification "NL.IMRO0848.BP403BREUGELVA02"; 
  • Declare the Crisis and Recovery Act applicable to the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind"; 
  • Pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Spatial Planning Act, not to adopt an exploitation plan for the "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" zoning plan; 
  • Add the attachment "VoF Planetenlaan / Eind Development Planetenlaan - Eind; Water Management Plan Final" dated November 28, 2023 as Annex 8 to the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" with plan identification "NL.IMRO0848.BP403BREUGEL-VA02" instead of "Annex 8 Water Plan Memo".

On June 20, 2024, the City Council adopted the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind." In the appeal procedure, 3 appellants filed an appeal with the Council of State. As a result, the council is being asked to adopt the zoning plan as amended.

Budget to elaborate "Development vision the Breeakker -northern part-", participation process and amendment of environmental plan 

The council decides to allocate a budget of € 200,000 for the elaboration of the "Development vision de Breeakker -noordelijk deel-", the participation process and the required amendment incl. amendment procedure of the Son en Breugel environmental plan, and to cover this from the reserve of free spending space and to process this in a possible land exploitation to be established later. 

The council previously adopted the "Development Vision the Breeakker -north part-". Budget is needed for the development.

Motion Returning council proposal 'Policy Framework Together Son and Breugel'

The council decides to refer the council proposal "Policy Framework 'Together Son and Breugel' and Regulation on Involvement and Challenge Right Municipality of Son and Breugel 2024" back to the college for additional advice.
The council asks the college to present an amended policy framework and a corresponding regulation to the council for decision no later than the end of May 2025.

Learn more

All documents belonging to this meeting are in the meeting calendar. You can download the documents at the relevant council meeting date. You can also contact council registrar Ms. Moniek Weerts , telephone 0499-491491.
The summary report of the meeting can be found as an agenda item at the council meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2025. Meanwhile, the integral audio report of the meetings can be found in the meeting calendar.