Public decision list city council meeting June 27 and July 3, 2024

Annual Report 2023

The council decides: 

  1. Adopt the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts; 
  2. To agree to the proposed appropriation of results in accordance with the table in the section on appropriation of results in the Annual Report 2023 on page 6 in the amount of €2,215,808; 
  3. agree to the shifts in withdrawals from reserves in accordance with the table forwarding withdrawals from reserves in the 2023 Annual Report on page 7;
  4. To take note of the justifications included in the substantive reports section: Annual Report on Objections and Legal Affairs 2023, Annual Report on Administrative and Official Integrity 2023 and Socially Responsible Purchasing. 
  5. to adopt the list of investments and projects and agree to make available the budgets of unimplemented works 2023 from reserves or provisions for implementation in 2024; 
  6. Agree to establish a designated reserve for the Future Pensions Act; 
  7. To agree to an additional credit of € 229,700 for VAT Dommelhuis and to cover this from the Son and Breugel center development reserve; 
  8. To agree to an additional credit of € 38,613 for Dommelhuis aftercare and residual items and to cover this from the Son and Breugel center development reserve; 
  9. Approve an additional credit of €20,000 for land acquisition Sonniuswijk 5, 32-34 and cover the capital cost from the budget balance; 
  10. agree to dissolve the reserve for state compensation corona crisis and add an amount of € 151,504 to the reserve for free spending; 
  11. To note the audit report and the college's response to that report; 
  12. Adopt the 6th Budget Amendment 2024. 

First administrative report 2024 

The council decides:

  1. Adopt the first administrative report 2024; 
  2. charge the unfavorable balance of €800,456 to the free-spending reserve; 
  3. To approve the various deposits and withdrawals to reserves and provisions, as proposed in this first administrative report 2024; 
  4. To agree to a preparation credit of €28,250 for sports hall the Landing;
  5. Adopt the 8th Budget Amendment 2024.

The administrative report is an interim financial account from the college to the council.

Framework note 2024 

The council adopts the 2025-2028 Framework Memorandum and 9th Budget Amendment with the following modifications(Amendment 1 and Amendment 2):

  1. premise 1 under the heading 'retrenchment options' on page 4 be replaced with: '1. A structurally balanced budget 2025 (preceded by a non-closing Framework Memorandum)'
  2. starting point 5 under the heading 'redirection options' on page 4 be replaced with: '5. Greater self-reliance and self-responsibility of residents who are able to do so';
  3. starting point 6 under the heading 'redirection options' on page 4 be replaced with: '6. Residents who benefit from something shall contribute to the cost according to their ability to pay.'"

In the framework memorandum we discuss autonomous developments, developments and property tax (OZB) for the years 2025 to 2028.

Motion: Utilize recourse opportunities WMO

The council asks the college:

  1. Examine and, where possible, optimize the current process of applying the WMO recourse right so that the best use can be made of this opportunity in our municipality; 
  2. To inform the council in the annual discussions of the Social Domain Monitor informational sessions on the applied recourse over the WMO item.

Motion: hasten development of strategic land acquisitions

The council asks the college:

  1. Provide clarity to the council by October 2024 on the current status of the development of our strategic land acquisitions; 
  2. Hold a strategic session with the council in the4th quarter of 2024 to discuss our land policy and a vision for our strategic land acquisitions. 

Motion: Regional Social Domain

The council asks the college:

  1. explore within the region whether there are further opportunities to act together in the area of the social domain;
  2. hereby consider how these opportunities can lead to efficiencies;
  3. In this study, also look for procurement benefits;
  4. include the social domain as a strategic theme on the MRE's regional agenda.

Motion: reconsideration to council 

The council asks the college when there is a reconsideration of previous decision-making on an issue in the administrative agreement, to review the reconsideration with the council before including it in the draft budget. 

Motion: Maintain subsidy of associations, association activities and events

The council asks the college to

  1. When preparing the budget, do not cut the total budget available for (one-time) grants to associations, association activities and events.
  2. engage with the larger associations on how they can contribute, for example through membership activities, to a solution to the task in the Social Domain. 

Motion: call on Cabinet " More knots for the tasks" 

The council asks the college:

  1. To bring local financial issues and concerns to the attention of the newly appointed cabinet;
  2. hereby employing the credo "More bang for the buck."
  3. also share this motion with the House of Representatives, the Ministry of the Interior, the VNG and the Province of North Brabant;
  4. bring the motion to the attention of the other municipalities.

Learn more

All documents belonging to this meeting are in the meeting calendar. You can download the documents at the corresponding council meeting date. You can also contact council registrar Ms. Moniek Weerts , phone 491491.
The decision list of the meetings can be found as an agenda item at the council meeting on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Meanwhile, the integral audio record of the meetings can be found in the meeting calendar.