Public decision list Jan. 7, 2025

Suzanne Otters-Bruijnen, mayor
Jelle de Jong, Alderman
Jan Boersma, Alderman
Steven Grevink, Alderman
Jeroen Wesselink, secretary

1. Public decision list Municipality of Son and Breugel December 17, 2024.

The college adopts the decision list.

2. Internal-not-public-decision list Dec. 17, 2024

The college adopts the decision list.

3. BSOB access to e-depot RHCe for looking up building permits.

The municipality of Son en Breugel participates in the joint arrangement Belastingsamenwerking Oost-Brabant (BSOB). Since the BSOB is not part of the municipality, it is not an archive creator and therefore does not fall under the archival statutory provision that it should always have access to the (limited public) archives of the municipality that have been transferred to the Regional Historic Center Eindhoven (RHCe). The building permits up to 1989 have been transferred to RHCe and are partially limited public. The BSOB does not have access to these now, which hinders them in valuing the properties. As far as the RHCe is aware, no formal agreements have been made between your municipality and the BSOB regarding arranging access to restricted public archives.

The college decides to give the BSOB access to the building permits that have been transferred to RHCe with restricted public access.

4. Amend general designation decree APV

Due to the construction of the F58 express bicycle route, a change must be made to the designated dog walking areas. For the safety of cyclists using this route, the area from Brug Houtens to Kanaaldijk Noord 18 will be removed from the designated dog walking areas. This is done by means of an amendment to the General Designation Decree APV (General Local Regulation) municipality of Son en Breugel 2022.

The college decides to adopt the 'Amendment General Designation Decree APV municipality of Son en Breugel 2022'.

5. Policy Rule Bibob Act.

Municipalities have to deal with undermining crime. This consists of all forms of crime that threaten the integrity of government. Typical of undermining is the intertwining of the upper and underworld. The Promotion of Integrity Assessments by Public Administration Act (Bibob Act) is an administrative law instrument to protect the integrity of local government. The policy rule from 2021 is outdated and updated together with the six Dommelstroom municipalities.

The college decides:

  1. To adopt the policy rule Wet Bibob Gemeente Son en Breugel 2025 and have it enter into force the first day after publication;
  2. To inform the City Council about the adoption of the policy rule Wet Bibob gemeente Son en Breugel 2025 via a council information letter.

6. Views on draft 1st amendment budget

Pursuant to the Joint Regulation Veiligheidsregio Brabant-Zuidoost, the councils of the participating municipalities are given the opportunity to express their views on the 1st draft budget amendment with consequences for the municipal contributions, before the General Board adopts the budget amendment. The 1st draft budget amendment 2025 VRBZO was sent to the councils for these views on December 13, 2024. By means of a council proposal, the draft budget amendment is submitted to the municipal council.

The college decides:

  1. To propose to the Council to submit a view on the 1st draft budget amendment 2025 Veiligheidsregio Brabant-Zuidoost and to inform VRBZO about this with the attached view letter;
  2. Text mandate to the portfolio holder to amend both the council proposal and the view letter;
  3. To incorporate the financial consequences for the 1st draft budget amendment 2025 VRBZO in the 1st administrative report 2025 of our municipality.

7. Views on draft RRP 2025-2028 VRBZO

Based on the Security Regions Act, every security region is required to prepare a regional risk profile. This is an inventory and analysis of the risks present in a security region, including relevant risks from neighboring areas. On the basis of the risk analysis, the board of the security region can implement policy with regard to these risks.
The board of the security region adopts the risk profile after consultation with the councils of the participating municipalities, whereby the board also requests the councils to make their wishes known regarding the policy to be included in the policy plan.
The Joint Regulations for the Security Region Brabant-Zuidoost 2024 include a viewpoint procedure for the Regional Risk Profile to be adopted. In the meeting of the General Board of VRBZO on December 12, 2024, the draft Regional Risk Profile 2025-2028 VRBZO was adopted and released for the views.

The college decides to agree with the council proposal for views on " draft Regional Risk Profile 2025-2028 VRBZO", in which the following decision points are presented to the council:

  1. not to submit an opinion on the draft Regional Risk Profile 2025-2028 Security Region Brabant-Zuidoost;
  2. Inform VRBZO of this with a letter.

8. Amendment to Breugel zoning plan; Planetenlaan - End.

On June 20, 2024, the City Council adopted the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind."
In the appeal procedure before the Council of State, one of the three appellants brought forward that the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind" did not properly take into account the maximum use possibilities offered by the zoning plan "Breugel" for the use of his agricultural parcel directly adjacent to the intended plan area. Indeed, the agricultural plot may be used by the appellant for tree cultivation or crop cultivation, where such cultivation may require spraying. In principle, therefore, a spraying zone of 50 meters must be taken into account, which will therefore largely lie over the intended plan area.
The presence of this spraying zone can be overcome by including additional conditional planning regulations in the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind", on the basis of site-specific research, so that a smaller spraying zone can and may be used. The intended realization of 46 homes would then remain possible.
The council is proposed to adopt an amendment to the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind".

The college decides:

  1. To take note of the amendments to the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind";
  2. To propose that the council adopt the amendments to the zoning plan "Breugel; Planetenlaan - Eind".

9. GR formation 'A 10 for Youth'

Youth Region "A 10 for Youth" intends to continue the current cooperation as it has existed since 2020 in the form of a joint arrangement (GR). This intention stems from the new requirements in the national Youth Reform Agenda and the upcoming Youth Care Availability Improvement Act. It becomes mandatory to convert the existing cooperation agreement into a GR. Through a council information letter the council will be informed about this.

The college decides to adopt the council information letter "GR formation A 10 for Youth" and to include it in the next council information letter.