Public decision list Jan. 28, 2025

Suzanne Otters-Bruijnen, mayor
Jelle de Jong, Alderman
Jan Boersma, Alderman
Steven Grevink, Alderman
Jeroen Wesselink, secretary

1. Public decision list Municipality of Son and Breugel January 21, 2025.

The college adopts the decision list.

2. Internal-not-public-decision list Jan. 21, 2025

The college adopts the decision list.

3. Political Evening Jan. 30, 2025

The college notes the program of the Political Evening on January 30 and February 6 and offers the List of Commitments and the List of Open Motions to the council.

The college decides:

  1. To take note of the program of the Political Evening of January 30, 2025;
  2. To take note of the program of the February 6, 2025 Political Evening;
  3. To offer the list of commitments dated December 12, 2024 to the council;
  4. To offer the list of outstanding motions from January 2025 to the council.

4. VTH 2025 implementation program.

Every year an implementation program for licensing, supervision and enforcement is adopted. With this we implement the legal obligation to elaborate, both for licensing and supervision and enforcement, the previously adopted 2023 -2026 Implementation and Enforcement Strategy (U&H Strategy). The implementation program states which of the activities listed in the U&H strategy we intend to perform in 2025. The VTH tasks extend to construction, spatial planning, environment, heritage and the APV/special laws. For the implementation of these tasks, the Omgevingsdienst (Odzob) and the Veiligheidsregio (VRBZO) work closely together.

The college decides:

  1. To adopt the implementation program VTH 2025 Son en Breugel ;
  2. To inform the City Council about this with a RIB.

5. Rates works for third parties 2025

To settle work that the municipality performs for third parties, it is important that the college sets rates for this. The college itself can make this decision because it is a private law act.

The college decides to adopt the tariffs works for third parties 2025.

6. Cultural policy 2025-2030

A policy vision for arts and culture was first established in 2017. Due to all new developments in the field of culture, there was a felt need to update this policy vision and we are doing so with the present cultural policy 2025-2030 'Culture is the fuel for good living together'. To elaborate the cultural policy for 2025-2030, three objectives have been formulated, in coordination with the field:

  1.  Participation is the art - as many residents as possible should be able to participate in culture;
  2.  Strengthen positive health - culture as a means to wonder, connect and re-energize residents in the broadest sense;
  3.  Collaborate and promote entrepreneurship - strengthening the cultural sector in terms of content and future-proofing.

The college decides to propose to the council to adopt the Cultural Policy Municipality of Son and Breugel 2025-2030.

7. Regional coordination and cooperation on specialized youth care in Southeast Brabant established in work plan 21voordeJeugd 2025

Annually, the "Workplan 21fordeJeugd" is established with agreements on the youth aid that is procured regionally and to which the files are coordinated regionally. The work plan gives substantive direction on the dossiers, has a budget for the coordination and implementation (not the purchase of Health) of these regional tasks and includes agreements on governance at regional (Southeast Brabant) level. One of the regional tasks and highlighted in the work plan is the design and implementation of the Regional Expert Team (RET). To receive the resources from the Upper Regional Expertise Network, cooperation agreements have been made from the BEN. The Southeast Brabant region applied for funds in 2024 to further develop the RET. To receive those funds, the municipalities in the youth aid region of Southeast Brabant need to sign this cooperation agreement.

The college decides:

  1. Agree to the agreements, budget, governance and distribution of resources from the "Work Plan 21 for Youth 2025.
  2. Adopt the cooperation agreement on RET 2024/2025 development;
  3. To request the Mayor to authorize Alderman Toub of the Municipality of Eindhoven to sign the Cooperation Agreement on behalf of the Municipality of Son and Breugel.

8. Council information letter Pilot live chat

As of January 7, the pilot for the new live chat channel began, running for 3 months. The data we collect during this pilot will provide insight into the impact on regular operations. The premise is that the introduction of the live chat should not have a negative impact on the waiting times of the existing channels.

The college decides to adopt the text "Pilot live chat" and include it in the next council information letter.

9. IBT supervisory opinion on Archival and Information Management Improvement Plan 2023-2024 and KPI report of Dommelvallei Service and the municipalities.

In November 2024, we received the supervision assessment of the Interadministrative Supervision (IBT) of the province on the improvement plan archive and information management 2023-2024 and the KPI (critical performance indicators) report. The IBT assesses the plan with a 'partially satisfies' for Dienst Dommelvallei and 'satisfies' for the municipalities. We will inform you of the supervisory opinion and its follow-up.

The college decides:

  1. To take note of the supervision opinion of the Interadministrative Supervision (IBT);
  2. Agree to forward letter from IBT with supervisory opinion to General Board of Service Dommelvallei and the municipal councils.

10. Council information letter Pumptrack

In 2023, the municipal council decided to designate the De Molenwiek site as a location for the realization of a pumptrack. Son en Breugel has applied - as part of the Region Deal - for the MRE project Urban Sports in the region. MRE is striving for a comprehensive project plan before the projects can be started in the individual municipalities. Through a council information letter we will inform the city council about the consequences for the overall progress of the realization of the pumptrack.

The college decides to include the council information text 'Pumptrack' in the next council information letter.