Every municipality in the Netherlands is connected to the digital Omgevingsloket for applying for permits and submitting notifications, consulting the applicable rules per location, and eventually information about the quality of the physical environment. The Environment Counter is the central place where digital information about the living environment comes together. In this way, everyone can view this information in one place and use it directly.

What is the Environment Counter?

The Omgevingswet also introduced a new Environment Counter. This counter replaces the following counters:

  • Omgevingsloket online (OLO).
  • Activities Decree Internet Module (AIM).
  • Spatialplans.com
  • Soil Quality Hotline.

Do you want to make changes in or to your home, garden, business or environment? In the Environment Counter you can check online whether you need a permit, a notification or information from the government. If so, you can also apply for the permit, make the notification or submit the additional information via the desk. The Environment Counter also contains information about what rules apply at the place where you want to change something.

Learn more about the environment counter in this video.

What can I find in the Environment Counter?

The Environment Counter consists of several components:

  • Permit check
    In the Environment Counter you will find a permit check. This allows you to check whether you need a permit to carry out your plans. This checker is very comprehensive and is therefore particularly useful for residents and companies who make frequent applications. It is also possible to contact the municipality to ask whether you need to apply for a permit or report. Does it turn out that you need a permit? You can then submit the application right away.
  • Applications
    Here you digitally prepare an application or notification and add any information such as drawings. You log in with your DigiD or eRecognition. The more questions you complete, the less likely your project will be delayed. Note: applying for a permit costs money.
  • Rules on the Map
    Here you can see what rules apply by area or location. Enter your address or search on the Map.
    Watch this video for more explanation.
  • Tailored measures
    Here you will find information on what measures to take to ensure compliance.
  • My Environment Counter
    Here you will find an overview of your (draft) applications, notifications and information duties.

We will send you notices by mail if you have provided your mailing address. Otherwise, you will receive notices by mail. As a private individual, you will also receive notices in your Message Box.

Need help?

Do you have questions about your building plan? Are you unsure? Do you need help completing your application? Please contact the 'Permits' cluster at vergunningen@sonenbreugel.nl or telephone number 0499-491491.

We will help you answer your questions and read the rules.

In addition, you can also consult the Help Center where you can find answers to frequently asked questions about using the Environment Counter.