Collecting Clothing

What is it?

If you want to collect clothing door-to-door for charity, coordinate with the municipality.

Furthermore, collection containers have been placed in the municipality and at the environmental site where you can deposit textiles properly packaged.

How does it work?

The Central Bureau on Fundraising(CBF) keeps track of which organizations collect clothing for charities. Reliable organizations receive the CBF seal of approval. As a result, donors know they can give with peace of mind. The municipality checks with the CBF to see if your organization has this seal of approval.

What to do.

Report to the municipality that you wish to collect clothing. When doing so, please provide the following information:

  • applicant's name and contact information
  • where and when the collection will take place
  • What is the purpose of the collection
  • for whom the clothing is intended

How long does it take?

Within 8 weeks, you will be notified by the municipality whether you may collect clothing.