The Green Zone Insulate: help with insulating your home
We are working with 18 municipalities in Southeast Brabant and the organization Profit from your home to insulate over 10,000 owner-occupied homes in the region in the coming years. This will give our residents: lower energy bills, a comfortably warm home and a home that is ready for the future.
From home visit to isolated home
The municipality works with the organization Profit from Your Home. As soon as a resident applies, they schedule a no-obligation appointment. During this appointment, they look at the situation in the home and what insulation would be effective in that home. The resident then receives a savings plan. This plan lists which insulation measures are possible in the house, what it will yield and what it will cost. The resident then decides whether and which measures he or she wants to have implemented. Profit from your home then ensures that contractors can get to work.
Assistance in applying for grants or loans
Various subsidies are available for insulating a home. There is also a national Heat Fund where residents can borrow money at a low rate to finance insulation. The municipality helps residents apply for these subsidies or loans.
Digital information evening
More info? We are hosting a digital information session on Thursday, November 21, 2024 and Wednesday, November 27, 2024. We would like to invite you to one of these two evenings. The content of both sessions is the same.