Building or remodeling: what can I do against a granted permit?

Engage with the applicant

Do you have questions about your neighbor's building plan? Have a conversation with your neighbors. This can clear up many questions. Make agreements with each other about the construction. Talk to each other, keep open and clear communication with each other.

Don't agree with the building plan?

Is the permit granted? Then we publish it in the Mooisonenbreugelelkrant. And on the websites and

The permit will therefore be available for inspection for 6 weeks at City Hall, behind the reception desk. Here you can come and see the building plan, during town hall opening hours.

If you disagree with the building plan, you can file an objection.

Filing an objection

You must file the objection:

  • within 6 weeks of the day we granted the permit;
  • To the mayor and aldermen, Postbus 8, 5690 AA in Son en Breugel. You can also hand in your objection at the town hall or submit it digitally using DigiD.

The objection must include at least:

  • the petitioner's signature;
  • the signature/date of signature;
  • the name and address of the petitioner;
  • A description of the decision/permit against which the objection is directed;
  • The reason why you disagree with the decision/permit.

Need help?

Do you have any questions about this?
Please contact the 'Permits' cluster via email address or phone number 0499-491491.

We will help answer your questions.