When may I start building?

Did you do the permit check? Do you not need a permit? Is the structure permit-free? Then you may start building. This does not mean that your structure does not have to comply with regulations. Your structure must still meet the building regulations. These regulations can be found in the Building Works Decree (chapters 3 to 7). 

Do you need a permit? And have you received the permit? Then you may start building. Please note that within 6 weeks after the permit has been sent, local residents can still object to your permit. We therefore advise you to wait with the construction work until your permit is irrevocable (no objection has been made or the objection period has expired).

Do you want to build a new home? Then you must also file a building permit. You may not start construction until the permit is granted EN the building notification is accepted.

Need help?

Do you have questions about the start of your construction? Whether objections have been filed?
Please contact the 'Permits' cluster via email address vergunningen@sonenbreugel.nl or phone number 0499-491491.

We will help answer your questions.