Disconnection examples

You can disconnect below or above ground. See what best suits your garden and options. Below you can see several examples to disconnect. Would you like advice on what best suits your situation? Then make an appointment with one of our water coaches.

Rain barrel

You can collect water in a rain barrel, rain column or in other objects. This water can be used for watering the garden or children can play with it.

Rain barrel

Gravel Terrace

The rule of thumb for an attractive garden is that no more than 40% is paved. So, tiles out, greenery in. For paving, tiles that allow water to pass through are the best option; rainwater can then sink into the ground. If the permeable paving is lower than the rest of the garden, then water from the roof can also drain into the ground here. Only during heavy peak showers will water briefly remain on lower paving. In practice, however, this is not a problem at all.

Gravel Terrace

Green roof

A green roof retains water and delays runoff, thus reducing the burden on the sewer system. With a green roof, you also create a new habitat for plant and grass species. So, good for biodiversity. And, did you know that a green roof also cools and insulates well? In short, many advantages.

Green roof


One of the easiest and cheapest solutions to collect rainwater from your roof and pavement is a wadi; a wadi is a lowered part of the garden where water flows to, after which it can sink into the soil. A wadi can be a low grassy area, but you can also brighten it up with plants. Not only good for the water, but also for plants and animals!


Water storage under the trampoline

Do you have or want a trampoline in the garden? When it is buried, the space underneath can be used as a great place to store water! Route your downspout to this area. With some gravel at the bottom, the rainwater drains into the soil more easily.


Infiltration Crate

Don't have options above ground or don't want it in plain sight? Then you can store water underground with, for example, an infiltration crate, use of rock wool or gravel boxes.

Infiltration Crate