Directly regulate

Declaration of death

What is it?

If someone has died, you report this in the municipality where the person died. The municipality processes the death of this person in the civil registry and the basic registration of personsBRP). Registration is mandatory. Usually the funeral director does this. As a surviving relative, you can also do this yourself.

What to do.

Declaration of death by funeral director

You can submit a declaration of death online if you have eRecognition. If you do not yet have eHerkenning (companies) you can apply for one via eHerkenning.

Declaration of death by next of kin

You make an appointment for this by telephone at (0499) - 491 491. The declaration will take place in the town hall, Raadhuisplein 1.


  • Valid proof of identity of the person making the declaration
  • Declaration of death
  • The envelope containing statement on cause of death (B statement for the Central Bureau of Statistics)
  • Wedding booklet (not required)

Death abroad

If a resident of Son en Breugel has died abroad, please report this to the municipality of Son en Breugel. For this you need a (legalized) death certificate from the place of death. You can make an appointment by telephone on (0499) - 491 491.

What does it cost?

There is no charge for this.