Purchase action sustainable measures Profit from your home

More and more homeowners are taking energy-saving measures such as insulation and solar panels. Especially now that energy prices have risen so much, lowering energy bills is a wise move. As part of What we do is Green, the municipality of Son and Breugel is happy to help you make your home more sustainable. 

All homeowners received a letter on the mat around October 10 with an invitation to a large-scale advice and purchasing campaign. Until December 17, homeowners can register without obligation for major energy-saving measures, such as: solar panels, insulation and a (hybrid) heat pump. The measures offered depend on the year of construction of the home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the municipality launching this initiative?

As a municipality, we want to help our residents make their homes more sustainable. Especially now that energy prices have risen so much, lowering energy bills is a smart move. Through Profit from your Home, homeowners in Son en Breugel can get tailored advice and quotes for making their homes more sustainable. The campaign is part of our ongoing campaign: "What we do is Green!", with which we enthuse people within the municipality about sustainable measures. 

Why a large-scale procurement campaign?

By buying in bulk, prices are more competitive and suppliers are filtered in advance. This makes the supply reliable and relieves the resident.

Why is the buy-in campaign only for owner-occupied homes?

Homeowners may make their own (sustainable) choices for their homes. This is not possible for rental properties, which require permission from the landlord. This often takes longer, this purchase action has a short deadline. In addition, Woonstichting 'thuis and Woonbedrijf are already working hard to make rental homes in Son en Breugel more sustainable. 

Do I owe anything if I sign up?


You can register without obligation by Dec. 17. Profit from your Home will check your application. You will receive tailored advice and no-obligation quotes. If you want insulation measures, you will receive an independent home inspection. For this, you pay a small fee of €29, - You are free to request comparable quotations from other providers. Only when you agree to the quotation(s) do you enter into a commitment.

Who is paying for this action?

The municipality does not pay Profit from your home for carrying out the purchasing campaign. The municipality does bear the cost of the residents' letters and their delivery. Profit from your home finances itself by making good price agreements with the implementers.

Can I get more information about the purchase action and measures?

On Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m., Profit from Your Home is hosting an online information evening. All information about the purchase action, energy saving measures, subsidies and financing will be shared during the digital Webinar. Register at www.winstuitjewoning.nl/son-en-breugel.